Demonstrating 3Sixteen
Natal, Rencana Tuhan
Graduating with Honours
Equipped to Disciple
End 2020 as Overcomers Through Witnessing
Living Out 3Sixteen
Going for Gold!
Kepercayaan Melibatkan Pengambilan Risiko
Yahweh Is My God, In Whom I Trust/永恒主是我的上帝,我信靠祂
Proclaiming the Gospel Through Baptism
Church Online
Worshipping Together Again
Looking Back A Year On
Being a Christlike Witness
Mengatasi Dosa Semulajadi Manusia
Thankful to God
Impressions and Perceptions
Deacons’ installation 2020
Of Finances and Pandemics
Rumus Tuhan untuk Kemenangan
Connecting in the New Normal
Through the Lenses of the Guests
Having God’s Peace
Bonding through Serving
Welcome Home!
Kasih Tuhan yang Tidak Tergoncang
When Courage Leads to Action and Blessings
Breaking Barriers
Celebrating Fathers
God, Our Perfect Father
Menghadapi Ancaman