A Time of Refreshing : Calvary Church Camp 2024
A total of 418 enthusiastic Calvarites gathered for a three-day, two-night church camp at the Swiss Garden Hotel, Malacca from Sunday to Tuesday, 15 -17 September 2024.
Inspirational sessions with Dr. Jim Rion
Our camp speaker, Dr. Jim Rion, led four inspirational sessions with compelling clarity, urging us to be people who move forward, fail forward, 'show up' at our show-up-moment, and make a difference by being different. Calvarites, especially the young adults, were challenged to step up and lead the church forward. Many campers were deeply stirred as they were reminded to be 'awesome people who do things awesomely,' lifting what God is lifting - the gifts within us (2 Timothy 1:6)
One camper, Grace Lim, testified, "We are moved and determined to be parents who will show up for our kids. We want to raise them to know and love Jesus, because if they know Him, they won't go wrong."
Jessica Teo thanked God for answering her prayer by touching her with His tangible, manifest presence at the altar.
Young adult, Wong Yet Kang felt God speaking to him directly and clearly throughout camp, and he responded in faith by taking a step further in his ministry.
During the free time, participants braved the holiday traffic jams and long queues, eagerly anticipating the fellowship - and of course, the delicious Nyonya cuisine and coconut shakes. Every night, participants caught up with each other and enjoyed the breathtaking views of Malacca, either by the river or from the hotel's sky deck.
Lee Bee Peng thanked God for using her and her husband to provide transportation for two Calvarites, ensuring their attendance at the camp. God also stretched her comfort zone, helping her make 10 new friends instead of sticking to her usual circle.
Both mornings began with campers gathering in quietness to seek the Lord together. The Chinese-speaking campers were blessed with sessions led by guest-speaker Reverend Eddie Kok. A concurrent kids' programme as held for children aged 11 and below, providing meaningful activities while the adults attended their sessions.
The first interactive game successfully engaged all campers, regardless of their diverse backgrounds and demographics. Dr. Jim addressed family relationship questions in the second interactive session, drawing from his own experiences.
Interactive Session One
Interactive Session Two
As a family, Dino, Jessie, and Juno Goh expressed their thankfulness to God for the opportunity to come together during the many significant moments at camp. They appreciated the camp messages, which deeply resonated with what God had been speaking to them about their family's spiritual life.
The camp truly refreshed and rejuvenated everyone, providing unhurried time with the Lord and the family of Christ!
Children presenting a dance on the last day
Chinese Ministry and guest speaker, Reverend Eddie Kok