Armed and well equipped from the GODec (Go December 2020) training, the trainees have stepped up by answering the call in Romans 10:15; “And how can anyone preach unless they are sent?”
Armed and well equipped from the GODec (Go December 2020) training, the trainees have stepped up by answering the call in Romans 10:15; “And how can anyone preach unless they are sent?”
GODec 2020 has resulted in the sowing of seeds to many precious people, and a harvest of 48 souls. More importantly, trainees have stepped up in obedience as witnesses, fulfilling God’s call. Here are three encouraging testimonies:
Teresa Tan shared her testimony with Mdm. Yong and noticed Mdm. Yong’s Cambodian domestic helper, Sofie was listening attentively. Sensing Sofie’s interest in the goodness of God, Teresa asked her whether she would like to invite Jesus into her life, and she said yes!
Physical distancing is not a deterrent for those who want to share the Gospel. This is evident when Sally wanted to share the Good News with her friend, Susan Tham, in Canada. On a phone call, Sally was bold enough to ask if Susan wanted to accept Jesus Christ as her Lord and Saviour. Upon Susan’s affirmation, Sally led her into salvation prayer over the phone!
God can soften the hearts of the strong-willed. This was exhibited through Agnes Chew and her husband, Ong Keng Hock’s gathering with their families. After she shared a short devotion about the meaning of Christmas and why it is so special knowing Jesus, to Agnes and Keng Hock’s delight, three family members accepted Christ and one person rededicated his life to the Lord!
As believers, let us be joyfully obedient to share the Good News, in word and deed, and expect to see salvation come upon our loved ones and friends. If you have a desire to be equipped to evangelize with greater effectiveness, contact the Calvary Church office by emailing [email protected].