The Virus and Salvation

November 12, 2021

The Virus and Salvation

Abridged Version of Testimony

  • Article by Stellah Kamugisha

I give thanks to God for His healing when my family was hit by Covid19 in July 2021. 


When we were confirmed positive, the hospital medical staff informed us to stay quarantined at home. I was suffering in pain with fever, headache, and body ache and had to request my daughter to help move me to the living room to listen to the online prayer conference that I was attending.  I kept praying, “You who are in me is greater than the one who is in the world” and I was healed that night.


 I kept praying, “You who are in me is greater than the one who is in the world” and I was healed that night.

Meanwhile, my husband and daughter’s conditions deteriorated, but praise God, they too were healed. We also thank Him for the salvation of our two young children who received Christ as their personal saviour a week later.


We have seen the hand of God at work.  He is a Waymaker, provider, and healer. Glory to Him in the highest!