Welcome Twenty-One to the Calvary Family
Water Baptism June 2022
In the month of June, the church saw 21 individuals following Jesus in water baptism during our evening Saturday service at Damansara Heights. Fourteen individuals were baptised on 18 June 2022 and seven on 25 June 2022.
Each of them shared wonderful experiences of how God had impacted their lives! Here are a few of them:
My daughter was the first in the family to accept Christ while I am the last. I am grateful to her as today, my entire family and I are getting water baptised. Since I was a kid, I have had many challenges - accidents, relationship and business breakdowns, and I had cancer five years ago. I knew of Jesus way before I decided to follow Him. My sister who shared Christ with me said, ''You have an earthly father and there’s a heavenly father. He loves you, had helped you all along, and thus there are so many blessings in your life. How come you never accept Him?” On hearing that, I broke down and accepted Him. Today we are here to receive our blessing and welcome our new life. - Dino
My life before Jesus was painful, hectic, and mostly addicted to a lot of stuff and it was so hard to get off them until my mother took me to a fellowship back in my country where they prayed for me. I accepted Jesus and started changing my ways and became positive. He has been good to me and has helped me in so many ways that I don’t know how to thank Him. I’m so blessed to have made such a decision to getting water baptised. - Kandatwa
Before I knew Jesus, I had no one to turn to when I encountered challenging situations, be it about work or personal life. I believed and practiced some superstitious activities hoping for solutions but nothing really changed. Ten years ago, my family brought me to Calvary Church. Three months after attending church and attentively listening to Senior Pastor’s sermons, I responded to Senior Pastor’s altar call and accepted Jesus as my Lord and Saviour. Finally, my life began to change for the better! I thank Him for always answering my prayers. Jesus is now everything to me, my saviour, and provider. I know I can count on Him by involving Him in every aspect of my daily life. - James
I was born in a Christian family and am very blessed. I knew of Jesus but did not fully give my life to him before I was in secondary school. Back then, I had a serious friendship issue. I cried every night, praying and reading the Bible, and also tried talking to my family about it. I received great motivation and wisdom from God during that difficult time. Then on, I started to feel His presence in my life and was becoming stronger as I believe and He did not fail me. I'm so grateful to be a child of Jesus Christ and decided to accept Him as my saviour! I am closer to Him today as He bestowed me with godly wisdom. Walking with Him makes everything possible! This journey has given me the assurance that those who believe in Him will receive His blessings.” - Beatrice
Before I knew Jesus, I experienced many unpleasant situations in my life. When I was three my mother left me and my brother, and we grew up with a single parent, my father. He worked really hard to give us a good life. Since father couldn’t take care of us when he was working, we lived with a nanny who is a believer. She would occasionally bring us to church but I didn’t know who Jesus was at that time. My life had been smooth until 2017 at the age of 11 when I experienced the worst thing in my life, my dearest father left me due to a heart attack! After that the only person I could turn to was my nanny. She told me not to worry as she would take care of me. However, in 2018, nanny passed away due to cancer. I felt very confused and at a loss. Both the dearest people in my life had left me. Not long after that, my father’s sibling put both of us in an orphanage and told us that we would have a better life there. However, our whereabouts were intentionally hidden from other relatives. I felt helpless and wanted to leave the orphanage. Even though I did not know who Jesus was, I would pray to him every night before I went to bed. Then one day a miracle happened. My father’s eldest sister found us with the help of others and we were taken out. Now that I know Jesus and that my prayers are answered, I really want to thank God for everything He has done for me. My father’s eldest sister and her husband are now our guardians and both of them are faithful servants of our Lord. We also have nanny’s niece taking care of us. I really want to thank them as they are really angels sent by God. In 2018, I accepted Jesus when I attended a youth camp. I was touched by the Holy Spirit when we were worshipping. My life and studies have improved and Jesus has blessed my family and I as we went through the ups and downs in life. He has transformed me to be a better person. I’m grateful to God as my Saviour and Lord. - Cindy
Before I knew Jesus, my life was not peaceful. It was full of challenges, and stress. I was trying to solve problems on my own. My sister ministered to me and I accepted Christ as my Lord and saviour. Now, I have a guide to show me how to overcome the storms of life - by reading the Word of God and praying to Him. I have the assurance that He will not leave me nor forsake me because He is forever in my life. Through the good and bad times, Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. He is my shelter. When I'm afraid, I trust that He will deliver me from all evil before me. -Saw Cheng
Praise our heavenly Father for all these amazing testimonies of salvation, providence, and life transformation! The Word of God is true – “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him.” (Psalm 34:8)
18 June 2022
25 June 2022
(left to right) Front Row - Beatrice, Raya Saulina, Meriana 2nd Row - Kandatwa, Dino, Juno, Jessie 3rd Row - Ryan Michael, Ying May, Michael, James Back Row - Siew Kuan, Cheun Heong, Daniel |
(left to right) Front Row - Pik Har, Ke May, Cindy 2nd Row - Saw Cheng, Mee Mee Back Row – John, Yong Kee |