Building Bridges : A Year of Evangelism and Fellowship with Foreign Friends

January 11, 2024

Building Bridges : A Year of Evangelism and Fellowship with Foreign Friends

  • Article by Richard Teoh

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With Pastor David Seah’s encouragement and guidance, 3 Calvarites, namely Richard Teoh, Steven Chow and Tim Cheng, committed themselves to reaching out to Nepalese workers in Calvary Convention Centre (CCC) for one year, beginning June 2022.
The bi-weekly meeting of sharing Christ, using a combination of English and Bahasa, bore fruit, resulting in one of the workers, Hari Rana, being baptised in water in Calvary Church in March 2023.
Then in April 2023, Pastor Prakash Bishwakarma from Kajang Assemblies of God (KAOG) was invited and shared the Gospel in Nepalese. The workers found the session conducted in their native language very beneficial.
Finally the bi-weekly sessions, faithfully conducted by the Calvarites, came to a completion in September, with the workers indicating interest to attend the Christian Nepalese gathering via Zoom, to be conducted by Pastor Prakash and his leaders.
The Calvarites are grateful that these workers can now be adequately followed up and discipled in their native language and they thanked the Lord for enabling them to fulfil their one-year commitment. The team was also grateful to have been able to man the booth for Nepal and fuel the need to reach Nepal during the July 2023 Missions Emphasis.
The team appreciates Interim Senior Pastor Petrina’s encouragement to them to continue to keep in touch with the workers even after the workers have finished their contract or return to their homeland. Maintaining friendship and showing kindness are ways for these precious people’s hearts to be opened and to be drawn to Christ.