We have leaped into a new year and still feel the adverse effects of how 2020 has redefined the way we live our lives. What is reassuring is that God is still on His throne, in control. He said “I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, 'My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.' Isaiah 46:10. His purpose is and will always be for the souls of humanity to know and receive Him as Lord and Saviour.
Our small group evangelism initiative 3Sixteen kicked off its new season with a training on Saturday, 6 March 2021. Here are three new trainees who share why they decided to be trained in 3Sixteen:
“I specifically want to be trained because I want to be able to use the online 3Sixteen sessions for my brother who is in China to experience more of God. I also plan to approach friends and loved ones so that they too can understand who Jesus.” – Esther Lim “I find 3Sixteen’s approach to evangelising casual and spontaneous yet deliberate. This, I believe, will allow people to open up to know more about our Lord and Saviour” – Alicia Rajaretnam “I was moved by the testimonies of the Life Group members who were trained in 3Sixteen. The Lord's Great Commission is for everyone. It is my responsibility to share His Good News. Hence, it is only right for me to learn and be obedient.” – Yvonne Chow |
We recognise the urgent purpose to equip potential harvesters for the great harvest. For registration, [click here] Register at for the next training, scheduled for 31 July 2021 – 4 September 2021!
For more information, seek assistance from your Life Group leader, email us, or call us at 03 - 8999 5532 ext 442.