The Vision Goes On

October 10, 2023

The Vision Goes On

Building Faith Upon Faith to Continue Impacting Nations and Transforming Live

  • Article by Tan Siu-Mae

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Sunday, 27 August 2023 marked a significant milestone for Calvary Church as we celebrated the 10th anniversary of the dedication of the Calvary Convention Centre (CCC). The journey to reach this milestone actually began more than two decades ago when God gave our late Senior Pastor Prince Guneratnam the vision for Calvary Church to be a fountainhead church. 


The realisation of that vision began in 2003, with the purchase of the land that CCC now stands on, and the challenges that came with building a centre of this size were just as immense. Nevertheless, this celebration was indeed a testimony of God’s faithfulness – He provided the finances and manpower through the church to bring this vision to fruition. 


CCC is more than just a building. Its mission of “Impacting Nations and Transforming Lives” was evident in the short video presentation shown during the celebration showcasing the construction of CCC as well as how it has been used over the years. In the video, three young leaders of Calvary Church also shared their hopes and aspirations for CCC, and how it can be further used to fulfil God’s plan for His kingdom and His people.


20230827 - CCC 10th Anniversary Service-63.jpgBishop Joshua Heward-Mills sharing his message.

This 10th anniversary celebration was meaningful not just to Calvary Church, but also to guest speaker, Bishop Joshua Heward-Mills. Lead pastor of First Love Church in Accra, Ghana, Bishop Joshua attended the dedication of CCC 10 years ago with his father, Bishop Dag Heward-Mills, founder and presiding Bishop of the United Denominations Originating from the Lighthouse Group of Churches (UD-OLGC). In his inspiring message, “Can’t You Do Just a Little Bit More?”,  Bishop Joshua shared five critical reasons why the building of CCC is not the end and how  it is possible for us to do more.


First, there is work yet undone – a beautiful and comfortable facility like the CCC is intended to reach many lost souls who have yet to experience God’s grace and salvation. Secondly, every single believer has a role to play in fulfilling God’s plan. Just as Luke recorded many unique parables not found in the other gospels, each believer has something that only he or she can contribute to God’s kingdom. Illustrating his third point from Acts 3:1-8,  which talks about Peter’s ministry that led to a lame man walking again, Bishop Joshua reiterated that people are counting on us to enable them to experience God’s touch in their lives. Fourthly, it is possible to do a little bit more because it is God who has called us. Listing out the great heroes of faith in the Bible, Bishop Joshua highlighted how God used ordinary, imperfect people to do many extraordinary things for His kingdom. Finally, he reminded us we must fulfil our ministry and life’s purpose. Quoting from 2 Corinthians 4:1, “Therefore seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not,” it is evident that God’s mercy and ministry go hand in hand. 


OMD17161 (1).JPGMark Thomas, project manager for the construction of the CCC.


Calvarite Mark Thomas, an engineer who was the project manager for the construction of the CCC, was invited to share how his involvement in the project and his interactions with the late Senior Pastor Prince Guneratnam had positively impacted his life and helped him grow as a disciple of Christ. Mark highlighted five structural elements of the building that reflected Senior Pastor Prince’s vision for the CCC. 


The first was that CCC is built on a firm foundation,  which parallels how a Christian’s faith should be firmly rooted in God’s word. Secondly, the main auditorium is constructed in such a way that there are no pillars in the middle, just as there should be no obstructions for anyone wishing to seek the Lord. Thirdly, the two mega trusses that hold up the ceiling of the auditorium are a reminder that we are under the covering of the Holy Spirit. The Prayer Tower located at the front of the building, with large windows overlooking the city illustrates the importance of prayer. Finally, Mark shared how the late Senior Pastor Prince Guneratnam always prioritised continuous learning as the key to maturity, and this was the very reason for a large education block housing the various schools. 


20230827 - CCC 10th Anniversary Service-119.jpgDeacon Christopher Lim launching the Faith Upon Faith project.


“What’s next for CCC, going forward?” you may ask. The answer lies in the Faith Upon Faith special project to raise funds to further equip the CCC to fulfil its vision. In his presentation, Deacon Christopher Lim explained that at the time of the CCC’s construction, some features were deferred due to the lack of sufficient funds.  Faith Upon Faith would enable the CCC to be fully utilised.


Interim Senior Pastor Petrina Guneratnam was invited to pray for  and encourage the congregation to make Faith Upon Faith pledges.


AnniversaryCake.jpgThe pastors and deacons joined interim Senior Pastor Petrina for cake-cutting.


The deacons and pastoral staff then joined Sister Petrina in the cutting of an anniversary cake. The deacons also took the opportunity to unveil a special plaque honouring the late Senior Pastor Prince Guneratnam,   whose faith in God and  visionary leadership were key to the building  and realisation of the CCC. The service concluded with Bishop Joshua’s closing prayer and the celebration continued in the plaza with cake and refreshment. 


20230827 - CCC 10th Anniversary Service-154.jpg The deacons presented a special plaque honouring the memory of our late Senior Pastor Prince Guneratnam.


OMD17284a.JPG Bishop Joshua praying for the congregation.


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A time for fellowship over light refreshments and cake after service.

To know  more about Faith Upon Faith, click here 


OMD16851-t.jpegCCC is more than just a building - Calvarites rejoicing in worship.


_1800183.JPG The choir and dance team presenting a special number.


_1800273.JPG The One Voice in action.