On Missions Sunday, 10 January 2020, we were blessed with a message by Rev. Dr. Edmound Teo, Senior Pastor of International Christian Assembly (Hong Kong) entitled, “Vision” from Isaiah 6. To trust and obey (James 2:14), we were encouraged to always seek and receive a vision from the Lord because “without a vision the people perish”. You can watch his missions exhortation by clicking on this link HERE.
Among the many opportunities to be involved in Missions through Calvary Church, is the privilege of being a Faith Promise Partner. Not all of us can go on the mission field as church planters, pastors, missions’ workers and missionaries but we can all give to enable those God has uniquely called to fulfil His will for their lives.
As we will only renew our 2021 Faith Promises when we resume physical services, we ask that all our current Faith Partners keep their commitment from January to March 2021.
If you are new to Calvary Church and would like to know more about our Missions program or want to know how to be a Faith Promise partner, email us at [email protected]. You can also request a copy of our Missions Newsletter which contains very inspiring reports of our mission’s involvement from July -December 2020. In the newsletter you will also be challenged by a testimony of how a faith partner received blessings from the Lord as he gave obediently in faith. Miracles are in our obedience (2 Kings 5)!