Ministry Is Not ‘Locked Up’ During the Full ‘Lockdown’
We received a request during the lockdown from a new believer, Dino Goh. He desired to remove items associated with his past religious beliefs from his home.
Together with Life Group (LG) leader Lau Sie Hui and his supportive members, we sprung to action. We had a virtual meeting with Dino and his family, shared Scripture, prayed, blessed his family, and guided Dino on removing those religious items.
LG Leader Lau, who lived within the 10km radius from Dino’s condominium, met Dino at his condominium entrance, received those items, and helped dispose of them. Indeed, it was a joyous and victorious day for Dino and his family.
Dino and his family will be joining the LG ministry. They look forward to being baptised in water and to be part of the Calvary family.