It has been said that death by crucifixion is the most painful death ever invented by man. It is a slow and painful suffering. It is where we get the word "excruciating". Yet, this was how the sinless Christ died on our behalf to pay the price incurred by our sins.
The story of Jesus' pivotal moments on earth were brought to life in a unique and heartrending illustrated sermon, a special Easter presentation entitled "Love's Finest Hour" on Friday, 29 March and Saturday, 30 March 2024 at Calvary Convention Centre.
Associate Pastor Richard Yun with a dedicated team of Music & Creative Arts compellingly recounted Jesus' final hours beginning from the Last Supper shared with His disciples.
The audience was taken through the nailbiting series of events that included Judas' treacherous betrayal, Jesus' capture and abuse by the soldiers, and the legal trials He was put through.
Peter weeping bitterly, realising he had disowned Jesus before others.
Even though these moments of His life were rife with injustice and betrayal, Jesus demonstrated grace and mercy amid the ordeals. From giving Judas a chance to change his mind and not be a traitor, to healing a hapless servant's severed ear, Jesus' selfless love for mankind shone through clearly.
Then the high priest tore his clothes and said, "He has spoken blasphemy!" (Matthew 26:65a)
Soldiers forcing Simon of Cyrene to carry the cross for Jesus.
In the scenes that followed, humanity's dark and brutal side was magnified as religious leaders falsely accused Jesus of blasphemy, the crowd screamed for His blood, and soldiers flogged and spat on him. Jesus was made to carry His cross and walk, through the sneering masses, to the place of the skull, Golgatha, where He would die.
As Jesus breathed His last, the stage was engulfed in darkness and thunder rumbled through the auditorium. The voices that had mocked Him were now struck speechless.
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Pastor Richard implored the audience to see beyond the violence by explaining the significance of His physical suffering, emphasising that it underscored the depths of God's love for us. Even in His agony, Jesus thought only of us and asked forgiveness for His tormentors. Now, if the story ended there, Jesus' death would have been pointless. Thankfully, it does not - He rose again on the third day! Jesus' resurrection was presented to the audience as a celebratory finale because we can rejoice that through Christ, we receive healing, restoration, and eternal life. Hallelujah!
A total of 4601 people attended both presentations. We praise God and rejoice with the angels for the 76 who received Christ into their hearts for the first time, and for those who rededicated their lives to Him.