David & Goliath

October 10, 2024

David & Goliath

One Voice Musical

  • Article by Yuen Tze Svenn

Praise the Lord! God has blessed the church with various musical productions throughout the year. On Sunday, 1 September 2024, the One Voice Ministry (OVM) had the opportunity to present a musical production titled "David & Goliath". Soli Deo Gloria! A total of 1,752 people attended the performance.


125 children and youth singers took the audience on a journey of music, drama, and dance, sharing a message of bravery, courage, and faith. The musical began at 2:30pm, starting with a warm and bustling marketplace scene that captured the audience's attention.


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The bustling marketplace scene


The story of "David & Goliath" came to life as they danced and sang, highlighting key moments from the perspectives of several characters.


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David playing his harp for the Lord


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King Saul tormented by the evil spirits


As the first part of musical came to a close, Pastor Michael Loon took the stage to deliver a message entitled "The Winning Team". Drawing from characters in the story, Pastor Michael emphasised that God is the one who wins our battles and brings us victory.


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Pastor Michael Loon delivering the message of "The Winning Team"


We rejoiced and praised God as, at the end of the encouraging message, 35 individuals responded to the altar call, either for salvation or to rededicate their lives to God.


The second part of the musical begins with the song "More Than Able," underscoring that with God, all things are possible. The musical ended in the final battle scene between David and Goliath, where David emerged victorious, followed by an energetic and joyous curtain call to the song "Hallelujah."


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Israelites armies trembling



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Goliath was challenged



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Philistine Armies challenging the Israelites



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The War Horse was ready for battle



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David using the slingshot to defeat Goliath


We are immensely grateful to God for His strength, protection, and provision throughout the production. Special thanks go to the dedicated parents who made the musical a success.


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The OVM dedicated "David & Goliath" to our beloved late Senior Pastor Prince Guneratnam who envisioned a children's and youth choir to spread the good news of Jesus with their talents.


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"Be strong ad courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you." (Deuteronomy 31:6)


To God be the Glory! Hallelujah!

On 1 September 2024, the One Voice Ministry had the opportunity to present a musical production titled "David & Goliath". Soli Deo Gloria! A total of 1,752 people attended the performance.