Discovering Leadership

July 26, 2023

Discovering Leadership

2023 Discovery Rangers Leadership Day

  • Article by Chung Yun Cheng

On Saturday, 29 April 2023, a total of 31 Discovery Rangers and 8 commanders participated in the 2023 Discovery Rangers Leadership Day.  It was held at Calvary Convention Centre from 8.30am to 4.30pm.
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The event kicked off promptly at 8.30am with a devotion, after which the Rangers warmed up with a game of "Freeze Tag with a Twist". The various leadership skills were taught using a combination of lessons, activities, and games.

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The five modules that helped the Rangers learn more about being a better leader were: Social, Equipping, Attitude, Leadership, and Service. They also learned about positive thinking and the characteristics differentiating optimists and pessimists. 

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Games such as the “water cup relay” and “Mission Impossible – Capture the Flag” enabled the Rangers to put their newfound knowledge into action. There was much cheering during the intense games that required teamwork, trust, communication, and leadership skills to succeed.

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We thank God for helping the commanders in their preparations and for a well-planned schedule – the event ran very smoothly. It is our prayer that the Rangers were enriched in every aspect – mentally, spiritually, physically, and socially.