Let There Be Light
Discovery Rangers Camp 2022
Over the Malaysia Day weekend, a total of 25 Discovery Rangers and 14 Commanders attended the Discovery Rangers Camp, from 16-17 September 2022. This year’s camp theme was “Let There Be Light” (Genesis 1:3), calling all to be His light in the darkness.
It was raining when the campers first arrived at the campsite. In spite of that, we thank God for providing a shelter at the campsite so that the campers were able to learn their Ropecraft and Lashing merit advancements while waiting for the rain to stop. Once the rain stopped, the campers completed their outdoor activities such as pitching tents, working on their Firecraft merit, participating in patrol games at the field, and water play at the river.
After all the fun, exciting daytime activities, it was time for the Council of Fire, where the Rangers enjoyed a comedic skit performed by the Commanders, praised and worshipped God together, and were blessed by a devotion shared by Senior Commander Yoke Yee on how we should walk in God’s light and how His Word is a light unto our path. Praise the Lord for 15 campers who responded in faith during the altar call.
The next day, the Rangers worked on their Cooking merit requirement, cooking their own breakfast as well as completing their Compass merit by participating in a treasure hunt activity. We thank God for answered prayers and a memorable camp for the Rangers in every aspect – mentally, spiritually, physically, and socially.