Royal Rangers In-person Graduation 2022
On Sunday, 27 February 2022, the Royal Rangers held its Graduation Ceremony at the Multipurpose and Banquet Hall, Calvary Convention Centre (CCC). We thank the Lord that with the resumption of our in-person ministry activities, over 120 Rangers, commanders, and parents were able to meet physically to celebrate and recognize the Rangers for their hard work over the past challenging year.
Pastor Richard’s devotion
The ceremony began with an opening prayer and welcome by Council Chairman David Peter, followed by a devotion from Associate Pastor Richard Yun titled “Be a Doer of the Word” encouraging the Rangers to obey and put God’s Word into action.
Discovery Rangers’ presentation
The highlight of the ceremony was the presentation of the various awards across the Rangers age groups, starting with the Ranger Kids’ Elk, Wolverine, and Cougar awards; the Discovery Rangers who received their Gold Falcon, Gold Hawk, and Gold Eagle Award; and Adventure Rangers who received their Adventure Bronze and Adventure Silver medals. The Rangers also performed delightful songs and cheers according to their age groups interspersed between the award presentations.
Adventure Ranger Neha receiving her Adventure Silver from Outpost Commander Ong Soon Aun
Our Rangers Pledge declares that “With God’s help, we will do our best to serve God, our church and our fellow man”, and we truly thank the Lord for His help, wisdom, and blessings to be able to congregate for this significant ceremony safely in these unprecedented times.
Royal Rangers is an activity-based mentoring ministry for children and youth aged 6 to 17 years old. We provide Christ-like character formation and leadership development in a highly relational and fun environment. The programme offers weekly meetings, service projects, and year-round activities to give children and youth the opportunity to make new friends, have fun together, and connect with God and explore the divine plan for their lives. Our mission is to evangelize, equip and empower the next generation of Christlike lifelong servant leaders.
The Royal Rangers meet every Sunday (except the first Sunday of the month) at CCC from 11.00am to 12.30pm for children and youth ages 6 – 17 years old. For more information, contact us at [email protected]