May 16, 2021


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  • Article by Ngeow Zoo Gin

For the first time, the School of Christian Growth (SCG) held an online Open Session over four Saturdays from February to March 2021. These sessions took place from 9.00am to 1.00pm, and we were very blessed to have Rev. Dr. Margaret Seaward giving us a comprehensive teaching on the book of Revelation. 

A total of 375 participants attended the Open Session, some of whom joined in from overseas or other states of Malaysia. This was the first time for SCG in managing such a high volume of online participants. God is good in providing wisdom and guidance to the team of administrators to quickly resolve unforeseen technical glitches during the first session, and the subsequent sessions were relatively smooth.

Rev. Margaret Seaward first gave the participants an overview of the book of Revelation before she went through chapter by chapter and verse by verse as much as time permitted. She expounded on what the book says about things to come, Christ’s exhortation to the Church, and God’s dealings with His chosen people, the Jews. While the participants were given an understanding of the meaning of visions and symbols described in Revelation, the primary objective of the teaching is for us to be prepared, rather than trying to interpret these signs and symbols. The current state of world affairs only points to the imminent return of Jesus Christ. We were warned never to lose our first love for God.

The participants were blessed by the sessions and inspired by Rev. Seaward’s passion in sharing her testimonies and experiences of the power of the Holy Spirit in her life. At 91 years old, she is still going strong, spiritually and mentally sharp. She has indeed left us with a godly example to emulate as we prepare ourselves for Christ’s soon return.